Saturday, December 31, 2011
and more (:
these reaching end of years gathering with everyone is really really good especially yesterday!
2012. doubt i'll be camping for fireworks this year.
(12.10am) Friday, December 30, 2011
(12.34am) Thursday, December 29, 2011
these days have been really really great! :D
so happy with all the companies that stick through thru the think and thin times.
that's what friends are truly for (:
they don't judge like some others.
new people, new exposure, new experience
eye opener (:
it's a new life, i got to move forward though i've lost a group of really close friends because i wasn't too sensitive to some people's feelings. but what's done, is done. not a chance to save anything or maybe they did give it to me but i've missed it out again and again and they're just even more dissapointed in me. i am in myself too after realising completely of the situation i was in. but let's hope that time will heal, maybe one day some will realise or be in the same situation im in and understand, maybe they wouldnt forever. but i just wishes that, we'll say hi again or be accepted once again. but usually, once people see the bad in you, they'll forget all about the good in you.. and every single thing u do in the future, they'd be having comments about it rather than wanting to be listening to what you've got to share to people about something you're happy about in your life.
it's like, that's the moment that i've know someone i like, of course i would like to share my happiness or what i'm feeling with some of you! But it's the period of time where i've been caught off with my focus and would have got too over about something that shouldn't be the topic. but i'm just wanting to share, but i guess it's too much for your ears and a topic you may not be interested in..
and sometimes i still wonder about the real agenda of you suddenly wanting to jog with me the other day and ask questions, and share with others.
is it real concern as a friend or curious to just want to know the answers and then tell the rest about it.
i have my insecurities in the group, sometimes i get over it real fast in the later part of the day, sometimes it just snowballed and turned really awful. but what i feel is that everyone just made it harder for me to overcome it and in the end, just trash you out.because they feel that there's no commitment from me anymore. but do they ever want to hear my part of the story? everyone has a story to tell.
at this stage everything would sound as excuses.
we're human after all.
we can't please everyone in life.
(12.14am) Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'm thankful for _______.
i gonna do this to feel better everyday, anytime i can.
HQ why are u so farrrr~
Sunday, December 18, 2011
off day at home today! :D
Friday, December 16, 2011
bauble bauble bauble
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Christmas lightings at Botanical Garden yesterday with my parents.
and first time witnessing the lunar eclipse happening :D
(: starting holiday on Monday
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
3rd december
and more (:
these reaching end of years gathering with everyone is really really good especially yesterday!
2012. doubt i'll be camping for fireworks this year.
(12.10am) Friday, December 30, 2011
(12.34am) Thursday, December 29, 2011
these days have been really really great! :D
so happy with all the companies that stick through thru the think and thin times.
that's what friends are truly for (:
they don't judge like some others.
new people, new exposure, new experience
eye opener (:
it's a new life, i got to move forward though i've lost a group of really close friends because i wasn't too sensitive to some people's feelings. but what's done, is done. not a chance to save anything or maybe they did give it to me but i've missed it out again and again and they're just even more dissapointed in me. i am in myself too after realising completely of the situation i was in. but let's hope that time will heal, maybe one day some will realise or be in the same situation im in and understand, maybe they wouldnt forever. but i just wishes that, we'll say hi again or be accepted once again. but usually, once people see the bad in you, they'll forget all about the good in you.. and every single thing u do in the future, they'd be having comments about it rather than wanting to be listening to what you've got to share to people about something you're happy about in your life.
it's like, that's the moment that i've know someone i like, of course i would like to share my happiness or what i'm feeling with some of you! But it's the period of time where i've been caught off with my focus and would have got too over about something that shouldn't be the topic. but i'm just wanting to share, but i guess it's too much for your ears and a topic you may not be interested in..
and sometimes i still wonder about the real agenda of you suddenly wanting to jog with me the other day and ask questions, and share with others.
is it real concern as a friend or curious to just want to know the answers and then tell the rest about it.
i have my insecurities in the group, sometimes i get over it real fast in the later part of the day, sometimes it just snowballed and turned really awful. but what i feel is that everyone just made it harder for me to overcome it and in the end, just trash you out.because they feel that there's no commitment from me anymore. but do they ever want to hear my part of the story? everyone has a story to tell.
at this stage everything would sound as excuses.
we're human after all.
we can't please everyone in life.
(12.14am) Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'm thankful for _______.
i gonna do this to feel better everyday, anytime i can.
HQ why are u so farrrr~
Sunday, December 18, 2011
off day at home today! :D
back to work tomorrow!
preparing my resume and portfolio for internship interview next week.
Friday, December 16, 2011
bauble bauble bauble
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Christmas lightings at Botanical Garden yesterday with my parents.
and first time witnessing the lunar eclipse happening :D
(: starting holiday on Monday
had a great night after school on Friday with the guys ;)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
h o l i d a y (:
Thursday, December 08, 2011
i really don't want to see you as an enemy.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
3rd december